
"I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym" - A Foreword in 6 words.

The Blog

I’ve come to the realization that I probably need a blog.
A nice little space for myself on the internet - to post my thoughts, ideas, musings, views, experiences, work, learnings, and so much more. For me to post anything and everything I want however I see fit.

I remember watching a TED Talk once (I don’t remember what exactly all of it was about) in which the speaker jokingly said -

“You want to post your opinions without having to deal with people who disagree? Go start a blog”.

I might be paraphrasing, but that’s what the essence was. Or at least what I remember of it. It felt pretty funny, funny enough to stick, given the context and manner in which the speaker said it, so you’ll just have to take my word for it.

P.S. - Unfortunately, I can’t find the TED Talk now. I’ll be sure to update this post if I ever do find it.


This blog is for me. By that, I mean it is for me, and me only.

While I do hope that others also benefit from its existence, I feel like I should make it crystal clear right away that this blog doesn’t exist to constantly please.
Its goal isn’t to always satisfy the readers (…if any). Heck, it doesn’t have any goal. Other than being a blog, that is.
Its glorious purpose is to be a blog, and that’s all there is to it. Please don’t overthink it. 🙂

I’m perfectly fine with people who disagree with me reaching out to discuss their perspectives. I love hearing about different perspectives. I love having discussions that help me broaden my horizons, and I try to keep an open mind at that.
But I’m not okay with people trying to drag me into a flame war under the pretense of the same.

All views are my own. All opinions are my own. This blog is also my own. The media I use may not be my own.


This is the genesis of my blog.
The blog. The blog for Anant. The blog chosen specially for Anant (by Anant). Anant’s blog. Ah, Kronk. What a character.

I think I might just grow fond of this. Who knows? Only time will tell.